Fine Art from a private collection featuring art by Marc Chagall, Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Cezanne, Renoir. Featuring mediums in serigraphs, lithograph, etchings, engravings. Collections for sale include sculptures, bronze bust, suites and more. Hundreds of fine art and decorative pieces of art from a private collection for sale below gallery price!
AUTHENTIC ORIGINAL Charles Bragg Bronze Sculpture. Titled "Out of Court Settlement". From a very Limited Edition Size of only 99! Signed and sequentially numbered by the artist, Charles Bragg. The Condition of this sculpture offered is MINT, No damage or repairs of any kind. This Solid Bronze is mounted on a Marble base and the Size is Approximately 8-1/2" x 7 x 5". The Fate of the cast is destroyed! The mold was melted while in production! A COA with detailed information IS INCLUDED. The Retail Price set by the Publisher is: $4,200.00 NOTE: This Publication was bought out! Fine Art from a private collection featuring art by Marc Chagall, Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Cezanne, Renoir. Featuring mediums in serigraphs, lithograph, etchings, engravings. Collections for sale include sculptures, bronze bust, suites and more. Hundreds of fine art and decorative pieces of art from a private collection for sale below gallery price!